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Master of Science Program in Cybersecurity Risk Management (CYBERSECURITY)

Master of Science Program in Cybersecurity Risk Management (CYBERSECURITY)

Following advancement of information technology, it allows people to use technology to cause damages to each other or even to the public and private sectors. This leads to various countries including Thailand to pass law to control technology usage. In B.E. 2563, Thailand enforced the law on control of personal data usage. Thus, technology personnel need to understand this law to work in information technology safety and security in order to reduce risks of damages to information of an organization including risks of breaking the law.

The Master of Science Program in Cybersecurity Risk Management is an integration of fields in information security and technology risk management under the computer science program together with laws under the law program. This is to create a new and modern program that responds to the needs of the workforce market and rapidly changing global trend. Additionally, it integrates resources and personnel in education to work in multidisciplinary fields in order to create new knowledge.

This program is hoped to produce master’s degree graduates to have the 21st century skills by being capable and competent in information security, information risk management and laws. They will have inquiry skills to apply in the work involving cybersecurity, which are scarce in the current period of time.

Potential careers

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Chief Security Officer (CSO)
  • Cloud Security Architect
  • Cyber Operations Specialist
  • Data Controller
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • Data Processor
  Plan A2: Thesis Plan B: Non-thesis
Foundation courses Non-credit Non-credit
Core courses 9 credits 9 credits
Elective courses 15 credits 24 credits
Independent study 3 credits
Comprehensive exam Exam Exam
Oral exam Exam
Thesis (Passed thesis) 12 credits
Not less than 36 credits 36 credits
Course details        (1) Foundation courses mean courses designed to provide knowledge at levels below graduate studies for students to be ready for the master’s degree level including
ND 4000 Foundation for Graduate Studies 3(2 – 2 -5)
LC 4001 Reading Skills Development in English for Graduate Studies 3(2 – 2 -5)
LC 4002 Integrated English Language Skills Development 3(2 – 2 -5)
LC 4011* Remedial Reading Skills Development in English for Graduate Studies 3(2 – 2 -5)
LC 4012* Remedial Integrated English Language Skills Development 3(2 – 2 -5)
CRM 4001 Legal System and Juristic Method 3(3 – 0 – 6)
CRM 4002 Cybersecurity Operations 3(3 – 0 – 6)
Note      1. Requirements and exceptions for foundation courses shall be in accordance with an announcement of the School/Institute except those for English foundation courses offered by the Graduate School of Language and Communication, which shall be in accordance with the conditions of the English for Graduate course.
  1. In case the English for Graduate Studies course is revised, supplementary English foundation courses required in this program shall change according to the revised English for Graduate Studies course.
(2) Core courses mean courses designed for students to have the specific knowledge and expertise including the followings: (9 credits of the core courses are required for Plan A2 and Plan B)
CRM 6001 Information Security Management 3(3–0–6)
CRM 6002 Information Security Risk Analysis 3(3–0–6)
CRM 6003 Cybersecurity Law 3(3–0–6)
(3) Elective courses
CRM 7001 Computer and Network Security 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7002 Cloud Computing Security 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7004 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7005 Digital Forensics and Investigations 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7006 Information Security Policy 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7007 Information Systems Governance 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7008 Cybercrime Law 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7009 Electronic Commerce Law 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7010 Data Protection and Privacy Law 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7011 Information Security and IT Risk Management 3(3–0–6)
CRM 7012 Information Security Auditing 3(3–0–6)
(4) Independent study
CRM 9000 Independent Study 3(0 – 0 -12)
    (5) Thesis
CRM 9004 Thesis 12 credits


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ELOs Levels of Educational Learning Outcomes in Bloom’s Taxonomy
ELO 1 ELO 1: Follows the official Academic Code of Ethics and makes decisions to adhere to professional principles and policies. understand
ELO 2 ELO 2: Understand the principles, theories, and knowledge necessary for lifelong self-learning. understand
ELO 3 ELO 3: Creatively apply knowledge for practical problem solving. apply

ELO 4: วิเคราะห์เชิงวิพากษ์ในประเด็นทางจริยธรรม กฎหมาย ความมั่นคง และสังคมเชิงเทคนิค (socio-technical issues) เพื่อใช้กำหนดกลยุทธ์ทางเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศในการจัดการประเด็นเหล่านี้

analyze and evaluate
ELO 5 ELO 5: Effectively present and communicate knowledge and information to target audiences. create
ELO 6 ELO 6: Use information technology effectively to solve actual practical problems. create