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Historical background

National Institute Of Development Administration recognized as a public graduate–only institution under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Higher Education Commission of Thailand (OHEC), Ministry of Education, has been conducting quality assurance since its policies and guidelines were announced in 1996 by the Ministry of University Affairs (government agency at that time).

Historical background of

Graduate School of Applied Statistics

(An extract from a royal teaching of King Rama IX during the 1st graduation ceremony of the National Institute of Development Administration on 19 November B.E. 2516)

          The National Institute of Development Administration was established following a royal initiative of King Rama IX, due to his particular interest in economic development and the royal teaching above. The Graduate School of Applied Statistics (the School) was one of the founding Schools of the National Institute of Development Administration upon its inception on 1 April B.E. 2509.

Initially, the School accepted student transfers and offered a course at the certificate level for the “Statistics Institute, a 3-Year Program” and provided statistical training for the College of Practical Statistics and the National Statistical Office under the Prime Minister’s Office (names of organizations then). Later, the School revised the program by increasing the length to 4 years and called it “Undergraduate Equivalent Certificate Program” whereby two more batches of students were admitted. Following that (B.E. 2515), admissions were discontinued due to the Institute’s policy to no longer admit students below the master’s degree level. The teaching of this program then discontinued upon completion by the last student.

Upon establishment, Dr. Sriparinya Ramkomud, the Acting Dean of the School, appointed a sub-committee on development of a master’s degree in applied statistics with Prince Boonsologkasem Kasemsri as the chairperson. Its members comprised various School members such as Dr. Boontham Sombunsong, Ajarn Uttra Rasmeesen and Ajarn Anumongkol Siriwetin (position back then). Applications opened for master’s degree students for the first time in December B.E. 2510. The first master’s degree program offered by the School was the program that focused on producing applied statisticians to have the qualification and academic competency for practice and to respond to the needs of government agencies and other commercial businesses. In the first five years, courses were not clearly split into different fields. In the first year, all students read different courses offered by the School and others. For example, they studied statistical analysis, computer and operations research which were courses offered by the School. They also studied administration and economics, courses offered by other Schools. Similarly, students from other Schools had to study statistics, operations research and other courses offered by the School to be worthy of the degree they were eligible for: Master of Development Administration (MDA) in Applied Statistics or others depending on the major selected. During the first 10 – 15 years of the School, there were four majors (names back then) including statistics, computer, operations research and demography.

he School has continually revised its programs by revising old programs to prepare for changes, revising program names to suit circumstances, creating new programs to catch up with modernization such as the Doctor of Development Administration (DDA) in Population and Development (student admissions commended in B.E. 2525) and the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Statistics (student admissions commenced in B.E. 2538). Both programs were the first doctoral degrees of these fields offered in Thailand. So far, every program under the School has been open to admitting graduates at bachelor’s/master’s degree levels from various fields in accordance with the principle and philosophy that have been passed on since the beginning. This has opened up opportunities for the general public to always choose to study in the field of their interest, subject to each individual’s potential and determination.

Due to King Rama IX’s acknowledgement of the value and utility of applied statistics, the School was born. Therefore, the School’s members and staff have embraced the royal teaching of King Rama IX at the 1st graduation ceremony of the National Institute Development Administration on 19 November B.E. 2513 and used it as guidelines to teach students and graduates for adoption.

Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pachitchanat Siripanich



Took on the teaching and student transfers from the College of Practical Statistics, and the training under the National Statistical Office.


Launched the Master’s program in Applied Statistics.


Ceased student admissions to degrees lower than the master’s level (forgotten history).


Divided majors into 4 areas including Statistics, Computer Science, Operations Research and Demography.


Launched the Doctoral program in Demography and Development.


Launched the Master’s program in Computer Science (Special program).


Launched the Master’s program in Statistics (Special program).


Launched the Master’s programs in Actuarial Sceicne, and Systems and Information Management (subsequently changed to Information Systems Management).


Launched the Doctoral program in Statistics.


Launched the Master’s programs in Demography and Development, and Actuarial Science (Special programs).


Launched the Master’s program in Information Systems Management (Special program).


Changed the names of Master’s and Doctoral programs under the School from Master of Development Administration and Doctor of Development Administration to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy respectively.


Lauched the Doctoral program in Computer Science and the Master’s program in Applied Information Systems.


  • Revised the Master of Science Program (Applied Statistics), Master of Science Program (Computer Science) and Doctor of Philosophy Programs in Statistics and in Computer Science.

  • Changed the name of the Operations Research major to Decision Making Technology and Management.


Launched the Master’s program (Special program) weekend classes for Computer Science commencing the 2nd semester of each academic year.


  • Revised all Master’s programs of the School and changed the names to Master of Science Program (Applied Statistics and Information Technology) including 7 majors – Statistics, Decision Making Technology, Actuarial Science and Risk Management, Research for Administration and Management, Computer Science, Information Systems Management, and Software Development commencing in the 1/2549 semester.

  • Launched the Master’s program (Weekend classes) in Actuarial Science and Risk Management, and Decision Making Technology and Management commencing the 2/2549 semester.


Launched the Master’s program (Special program) in Computer Science at Reuters Software (Thailand) Limited in the U Chu Ling Building under the collaboration between Reuters Software (Thailand) Limited and the School of Applied Statistics, National Institute of Development Administration commencing the 1st semester of the B.E. 2551 academic year.


Revised 2 doctoral programs

  • Computer Science (International program)

  • Statistics (English program)


    • Revised the Doctoral program in Compter Science and Information Systems (added the Information Systems branch in the program)

    • Revised the former Master’s program in Applied Statistics and Information Technology by splitting this program into 5 programs (Applied Statistics program, Statistics program, Computer Science and Information Systems program, Information Technology Management program and Actuarial Science and Risk Management program) and 2 new programs – Information Technology program and Logistics Management program.


    • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Computer Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2555) by prescribing 2 majors including 1) Computer Science and 2) Information Systems.

    • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Statistics and intergrated the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Statistics (English Program) with the Applied Statistics program by prescribing 5 majors including 1) Statistics, 2) Quantitative Risk Management, 3) Business Analytics and Research, 4) Operations Research and 5) Demography and Development.

    • Revised the Master of Science Program in Computer Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2555) by prescribing 4 majors including 1) Compter Science, 2) Information Systems Management, 3) Information Technology, and 4) Software Engineering.

    • Revised the Master of Science Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2555) by integrating the Statistics program with the Actuarial Science and Risk Management programs and prescribing 5 majors including 1) Statistics,

      2) Actuarial Science and Risk Management, 3) Business Analytics and Research, 4) Decision Making Technology and Management, and 5) Demography and Development.

    • Revised the Master of Science Program in Information Technology Management (Revised Program B.E. 2555).


      Revised the Master of Science Program in Logistics Management (Revised Program B.E. 2556).


      Revised the Master of Science Program in Logistics Management (Revised Program B.E. 2558).


      • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Computer Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2559)

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Actuarial Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2559) by prescribing 5 majors including 1) Data Science,

        2) Information Systems Management, 3) Interactive Media Science, 4) Information Security,

        5) Software Argritecture and 6) Computer Science.

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2559) by prescribing 5 majors including 1) Statistics, 2) Intelligence and Business Analytics,

        3) Actuarial Science and Risk Management, 4) Decision Making Technology and Management and

        5) Research Methodology and Policy Evaluation for Development.

      • Revised the Master of Management Program in Information Technology Management (Revised Program B.E. 2559-2560).


      • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Information Technology Management (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Computer Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2560-


      • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Developed a new program by turning the Data Science major from the Computer Science and Information Systems program into the Master of Science Program in Business Analytics and Data Science (New Program B.E. 2560 and prescribing 3 majors including 1) Business Analytics, 2) Data Science and 3) Health and Bioinformatics.


      • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Information Technology Management (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Revised the Master of Science Program in Computer Science and Information Systems (Revised Program B.E. 2560-


      • Revised the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Statistics (Revised Program B.E. 2560)

      • Developed a new program by turning the Data Science major from the Computer Science and Information Systems program into the Master of Science Program in Business Analytics and Data Science (New Program B.E. 2560 and prescribing 3 majors including 1) Business Analytics, 2) Data Science and 3) Health and Bioinformatics.


      Revised the Master of Science Program in Business Analytics and Data Science (Revised Program B.E. 2562) by restructuring and prescribing 7 majors including
      1) Intelligence and Business Analytics, 2) Data Science, 3) Health and Bioinformatics,
      4) Data Engineering, 5) Policy Analysis and Development, 6) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and 7) Data Visualization and Technology Multimedia.
      Until now, the School of Applied Statistics has developed and revised its programs and various courses. This is to create knowledge that meets the needs of the society and national development policy. It hopes to generate personnel with competence and qualifications in specific fields in order to apply them in operations and development administration. That is to increase the potential for organizations effectively and efficiently. The increased potential extends to research, academic services to various agencies along with academic collaborations with local and international organizations, all of which to develop knowledge for its optimum effectiveness.

      Until now, the School of Applied Statistics has continuously developed and revised its programs and various training courses. This is to create knowledge that meets the needs of the society and national development policy. It hopes to generate personnel with competence and qualifications in specific fields in order to apply them in operations and development administration. That is to increase the potential for organizations effectively and efficiently. The increased potential extends to research, academic services to various agencies along with academic collaborations with local and international organizations, all of which to develop knowledge for its optimum effectiveness.
