Ph.D. in Data Analytics & Data Science (International Program)

The advent and advancement of information technology bring the current world into big data era such that data are high in their variety, volume, and velocity. Such rapid changes intensify the need to pre-process, process, and analyze big data into information and intelligence and then ultimately convert information and intelligence into competitive advantage and actionable plans which eventually contribute social, economic, and national development in a long-run.
Especially, Thailand has confronted middle income trap that hinder our national development. Hence, we strongly need to transform data into information and intelligence as a part of value creation process to build up competitive advantage such that we can create knowledge-based economy and leave away from the labour-intensive or capital intensive economy.
This curriculum aims at developing Ph.D. graduate with 21st century skills with strong research and statistical methodology and skills, information technology skills, and inquiry skills so that they can apply, analyze, solve, and provide better solutions for business, finance, insurance, logistics, industry, society, economic, and national problems to achieve sustainable development.
Integration between multidiscliplinary and technology fusion in the current world leads to social and economic innovation. Such changes make it harder for graduates who acquire solely acquire knowledge in any single discipline to compete and succeed. This curriculum has been improved by harmonizing and integrating between several disciplines to align with frontier of knowledge and state-of-the art practices.
From the impact of external situations above, the objectives of program development is to produce researchers, scholars, professors, specialists and consultants with capability to synthesize theories for building new knowledge, to transfer knowledge, to analyze complicated problems. These products must have potential in self-development in their job both in the aspects of academic and professional with morality and ethics. These characteristics are reflected in various courses of the program.
Moreover, the integration and convergence among discipline are the key factors in the current world of work as well as the advent of big data and data sciences. Hence, the curriculum and major have been revised tremendously to reflect those trends and situations.
Business analytics and data science major has been opened to reflect the integration between business and data analysis as well as to align with current practice in the field of business analytics and intelligence and data sciences.
(1) Remedial Courses
Students in Plan 1(1.1) and 2(2.1) are subjected to take remedial courses in English as noncredit in the following courses;
LC 4003 Advanced Integrated English Language Skills Development 3 Credits*
LC 6000 Advanced Reading and Writing in English for Graduate Studies 3 Credits*
1. The condition on the exemption in remedial courses is by the announcement of the school / the institute except for the condition on the exemption in remedial classes in English, which is in accordance with the condition of the curriculum of English courses for graduate students.
2. In case of any change/improvement of the curriculum of English courses for graduate students, the conditions of remedial classes in English must change accordingly.
* Noncredit
(2) Core Course
Students in Plan 2(2.1) of each major must enroll in the core course for 12 credits as follows;
DADS 6050 Epistemology and Research Methodology 3 Credits
DADS 6051 Theories and Research in Big Data Analytics 3 Credits
DADS 6052 Theories and Research in Machine Learning 3 Credits
DADS 6053 Advanced Statistical Analysis 3 Credits
(3) Major Courses
Students of Plan 2(2.1) in each major must enroll in major courses for 12 credits as follows;
DADS 7102 Advanced Optimization Models 3 Credits
DADS 7151 Predictive Modeling in Finance 3 Credits
DADS 7103 Advanced Supply Chain Analytics 3 Credits
DADS 7204 Advanced Neural Network and Machine Learning 3 Credits
Director of Ph.D. in Data Analytics & Data Science
Assistant Professor Worapol Pongpech, Ph.D.
Mr.Boonchana Mekto
Email :
Tel : 02-727-3038
National Institute of Development Administration.
148 Seri Thai Rd., Khlong Chan, Bang Kapi, Bangkok 10240